Action Plan – Sophomore Year – Grade 10

Talk to your guidance counselor (or teachers, if you don’t have access to a guidance counselor) about the following:

Reviewing the high school curriculum needed to satisfy the requirements of the colleges you are interested in attending.

Find out about Advanced Placement courses:

  • What courses are available?
  • Are you are eligible for the classes you want to take?
  • How to  enroll in them for your junior year?

Update your file, or start one if you haven’t already. “See Action Plan – Grade 9” for a list of what it should contain. Read more about extracurricular and participation in other programs.

Top 10 College Application Steps for Seniors

What are the top 10 items that need to be on your “to-do” list?

One: Review your list of colleges. The schools should be those you’re interested in, have programs with majors you are considering, and fit your needs, values, interests and learning/instructional style. Are you interested in a Four or Two-Year program? How about a technical, vocational or trade school option? Have you considered the military? The average number of applications most seniors submit is approximately 5 to 7 schools. Consider two schools that might be a reach or stretch, those you dreamed about attending all your life. Next, consider 2-3 that are possible, your testing, grades, and coursework meet the middle 50% of those admitted in the past. Then 2-3 schools where you are likely to be admitted (your statistics are in the top 25% of the previous admitted class). Check the range of test scores and grade point averages of previously admitted students to determine this set on the college’s website. See next 9 steps by clicking here.

Action Plan – Freshman Year – Grade 9

Talk to your guidance counselor (or teachers, if you don’t have access to a guidance counselor) about the following:

Attending a four-year college or university

Establishing your college preparatory classes; and a schedule which should consist of at least four college preparatory classes per year, including:

–   4 years of English

–   4 years of Math (through Algebra II or Trigonometry)

–   2 years of Foreign Language, minimum

–   3 to 4 years of Natural Science (two lab sciences such as Chemistry and Biology; Physical Science or Physics)

–   3 years of History/Social Studies (World and United States History, Economics/Government)

–   1 elective of Art

–   1 year of electives from the list above

–   Physical Education/Health

Each student should check with their State Department of Education to verify college preparatory course requirements. Create a file of the your documents and more. Read on.

Essential Guides Take the Stress Out of the College and Scholarship Search, and the Application Process for the College Bound Student, Parents, and Counselors. Get Answers to Questions 24/7!

Working from home?  “College Bound: Proven Ways to Plan and Prepare for Getting into the Collegecb-2016-17-cvr-only of Your Dreams” and the five other books are available in paperback and eBook formats.

College Bound: Proven Ways to Plan and Prepare for Getting into the College of Your Dreams includes:  Over 1,200 links to grants, loans, scholarships, and pre-college programs. How to pick a major, what colleges look for in applicants, where to find financial aid, and more

  • Special admissions information for the artist, the athlete, the military-minded, the disabled, and the home schooled along with over 100 minority scholarship websites
  • In-depth information on  women’s colleges, diverse populations, alternative lifestyles
  • A planning time line
  • Sample forms and checklists
  • Career exploration, sample resumes and interview questions
  • Step-by-step instructions through the college application process
  • Inside information on standardized tests, the ACT, PSAT, and SAT
  • A comprehensive list of must-read books and publications
  • How to make a smooth transition from home to college
  • A chapter just for parents

My College Bound Plan, the companion workbook to College Bound, gives students the actual forms, checklists, and step-mcbp-2016-17-cvr-onlyby-step guidance they need for self-evaluation, college comparisons, financial considerations, teacher recommendations, activities resumes, and much more.

About The Author: Christine Hand Gonzales, Ed.D, has spent the last 20 years as a professional college planning consultant, instructor, high school college counselor, and registered therapist. Her work with high school juniors and seniors focuses on career exploration and college counseling. She also writes a blog for the college bound student and their parents at Read about more guides – click here.

Packing for College

It’s that time of year to collect the essential items for college.  Find out the layout of the room and what items are approved by the college to bring into the dorm. Some schools allow small refrigerators, but not microwaves.  It’s never too early to start shopping for the essentials. Contact your roommate ahead of time so you don’t duplicate items. If you have the space, buy in bulk when you can. Save on costs by bringing your own “munchies.”

What to Take…

  • Sheets, mattress pad, towels, pillow, and comforters with under the bed storage containers
  • Bathroom supplies—shampoo, deodorant, soap, toothpaste and brush, flip-flops, other personal toiletries, and cleaning supplies Read more helpful hints on what to pack for college.

Tips For Parents Adjusting To An Empty Nest

Do you find yourself taking a trip down memory lane while your child excitement builds as they pack the car to head off to college, start a military career, or get their first apartment? You may feel shaky, sad, confused, or relieved. Parents react differently to an empty nest. It is a time of change, a time to look at your child’s needs and your needs. It can be a fresh beginning. Here are several tips to help you cope with this period of your life.

Rest. Take some time for yourself while you adjust to the change and try to figure out how you really feel. Drastic changes may only cause regret later, so hold off on the redecorating.

Exercise. If you find yourself sad or depressed, exercise is a way to lift your mood. Find a friend or work out buddy to help you start a new routine. Avoid those fatty foods, chocolate and cocktails. Opt for a round of yoga, aerobics, weight training, and healthy eating.

Reconnect with others. Revisit your relationships. If you are single, you may want to get out and mingle. If you are married and you have spent decades focusing on your children, find new energy to reconnect with your loved one.

Follow your passion. Do you like to volunteer? What about going back to school? Think about taking on some new life-enriching activities.

Set a schedule for communication. Many parents worry that they will lose contact with their child. Even if you text or email, Skype or FaceTime, set a regular phone date with your child once a week. This will ease your mind and give them some sense of freedom.

For more articles on the empty nest, read College Bound: Proven Ways to Prepare and Plan for Getting Into the College of Your Dreams at

Shop for the Best Price on College Textbooks

Books are not cheap. You may want to shop around if you know what books are needed for the courses you plan to take. Here is a list of websites that might help you with this task.

AddAll – Book search and price comparison. – Save big on high-quality books.

Amazon is the place where you can save on new textbooks and up to 90 percent on used textbooks. You can also sell your textbooks online. – If you order over $25 in textbooks from this site you will not be charged for shipping, but this does not qualify for rented or used textbooks. – Right now the site is promoting a “Bargain Bin Blowout” which allows users to purchase 5 used books for $15. – This site gather information from various textbook sites and calculates each price as well as the total shipping amount. For more textbook websites click here.

Tips for Middle School Counselors and Parents

Are your students thinking about attending college or training in a fielocker2ld of interest? It is never too early to get started in the process even if it is a few years away. Each student can start positioning himself or herself to get into college by following the college planning timeline as a guide.

School counselors – talk to you students about:

  • Taking courses required for entrance into high school and developing strong study habits.  Each student should take challenging courses and position himself or herself to take advantage of advanced courses in high school in areas of strengths.
  • Teach organization and time-management skills to prepare them to succeed in high school and beyond. Assist with building good study habits. Click here for more tips.