A Book of Questions to Jumpstart Your Career Search – Get It Now!

boq-cvr-half-szLooking for a career and a new job? Need a career change but you don’t know where to start? Are you ready for an encore career? Stuck in a rut?

“A Book of Questions To Jumpstart Your Career Search” was written as a resource to help students, parents, educators, and anyone entering or re-entering the job workforce. This ultimate resource tool is like having a professional career counselor beside you every step of the way. It will make you think about questions that may be important to you in your career search such as: How Do I Get Started? What Do I Do Next? Who Can Help Me? Where Do I Look For Information? What Kind of Training Do I Need? What Questions Do I Ask Before Choosing a Major? What if I Change My Mind About My Career Track? Where Do I Find Reliable Online Resources? This book of questions is meant to be fun and thought provoking. So, discover how you really feel about your interests, skills, talents, and goals in life. One question will lead to another.

Available on Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.com and the College Path Bookstore – http://tinyurl.com/nevnr5n.

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What to Do While On a College Wait List

Re-evaluate your list. Prioritize those wait-list schools.

wailistA Speedy Response. Hopefully you responded quickly and honestly as some schools look at response time to be on their wait-list. Did you tell your college why they would be a good fit for you and why you want to be there?

Be Realistic. Some schools will respond to those on the waitlist and some will not so keep in touch, but don’t overdo it. If you have something substantive and new which has taken place since you last wrote, mention it.  It’s not in your best interest to send weekly or daily emails.

Know that the decision is out of your hands.

Make the best of your situation.

Embrace the acceptances. It’s tough when a dream school defers a student, but being placed on the wait list might be a signal to move on. While there is a chance that a student may be admitted in the late spring or summer, it is best for students to embrace the schools that have accepted them.

A Wild Card. Once your letter is off to the school, focus with all your heart on making your best choice among the places you have been admitted. It is best to treat the wait-list school as a “wild card;” deal with it when you receive it.

How to Handle College Rejection

Handling rejection is never easy. As a matter of fact, it can be pretty devastating unless you prepare yourself ahead of time. Many students apply to a variety of schools. Some shoot for the stars while also applying to realistic colleges they would also be happy at; ones that are in-line with their abilities.

This month, the majority of college decisions will arrive home. While there might be jubilant celebration for admittance to an institution, there also might be disappointment. The college application process is a time of transition and growth, and rejection may be part of the process.

If you receive a rejection letter there are several ways to work through the disappointment. Read more about how to cope with the letter of rejection.

Can I Appeal the Admissions Decision?

You may be asking yourself if you can appeal a decision of denial from a college.  There may be a chance you can.  Some colleges have very strict policies stating if you were denied acceptance to their institution, the decision stands and there is no appeal process. Other colleges will allow for an appeal. My suggestion would be to contact the college directly to see if this is an option. Check their website or speak directly to the admissions office.

If you have a legitimate reason to appeal you may want to discuss this with you admissions representative.  Some of the circumstances that might warrant a review could include:

Were You Denied At One of Your Colleges? Think About the Transfer Option

If you’ve been denied by your top choice college, the key may be to consider transferring in at a later date.  If you spend a year at another college and do well, that shows college admission officers that you’re motivated and ready for college-level work at their institution.

So the question remains, are you thinking about transferring from one college to another in the future? Answering the following questions will help you decide your next move:

• Take enough time to adjust to the academics and social life at your present college. Do you know why you are making the change – homesickness, monetary needs, family issues?
• Do you understand the transfer process to the college you would like to attend?
• Have you gotten advice from your present school? They may be able to address credit transfer issues that will be important in the admission to the next school. See more about transfer planning.

You Are Accepted to College…Now How Do You Decide Where To Go?

Congratulations, you have been accepted into your colleges, now how do you decide where to send your deposit? You are at a crossroad and choosing a college can be a difficult task. It’s time to make your well-researched and well-matched decision.

Here are common mistakes that are made when choosing a college:

  • Choosing a college because your high school sweetheart or best friend is going there.
  • Your parents are alumni and you want to please them, but will it be the right choice for you?
  • The website or brochure look great and you have not visited. Don’t just rely on online matching. When possible, check it out first hand.
  • Choosing a school solely on prestige and reputation. Look at fit, major, and opportunities while defining your criteria. See more reasons to choose or not choose a college.

Your College Planning Survival Guide: Smart Tips From Students, Parents, and Professionals Who Made It Through

Check it Out! Your College Planning Survival Guide:  Smart Tips From Students, Parents, and Professionals Who Made it Through 

Available as an eBook on Amazon $4.99 or in  Paperback  for $9.99!

In Your College Planning Survival Guide:  Smart Tips From Students, Parents, and Professionals Who Made it Through, professional college planning consultant Christine M. Hand-Gonzales, Ed.D., provides tactical tips and proven techniques to make the most of the career search and college application process through an insightful and well-organized resource guide. Over 300 tips from those individuals that have been there, done that!

Students and parents offered their insights by answering the question; “If you knew then what you know now, what would you have done differently during your college planning process?” As the saying goes, “Hindsight is 20/20!” Read More About Tactical Tips in College Planning – click here!

Making a Plan – Where To Start – Middle School Years

Are you thinking about attending college or training in a field of interest? It is never too early to get started in the process even if it is a few years away. You can start positioning yourself to get into college by following the college planning timeline as a guide.

Talk with a school counselor about:

Taking courses required for entrance into high school and developing strong study habits

Review college preparatory courses you plan on taking in high school including English, math, history, science, and Modern and Classical Languages

Participating in summer enrichment programs or community-based extracurricular activities that may be available in your county or school

“Starting to read” magazines, newspapers articles, and books of interest

Doing  well on standardized tests