The Importance of Vocabulary in College Test Prep

ScreenHunter_1479 Feb. 16 17.59A large vocabulary is essential for achieving high scores on ACT/SAT and other college tests. These tests have a vocabulary section, and various reading sections – all of which require vocabulary. The more words one knows, the easier it is to excel in these various areas.

Since the reading sections of these tests require time to read and analyze, the more words you know the faster you can read and grasp the issue. Therefore, you will not have to pause, and you will spend less time on these areas – time that you can then spend on other areas of the tests.

Finally, for the essay section of these tests, the larger your vocabulary the more impressive your essays will be! In addition, as Professor Charles Says, “Every word is an idea!” So, the larger your vocabulary, the more ideas you can include in the essays.

More important than any tests, “Education is a wealth which you can never lose.” These are words you will have for the rest of your life.

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