Essential Guides Make Great Holiday Gifts for the College Bound Student

Essential Guides Make Great Holiday Gifts for the College Bound Student

Just in time for holiday giving, the 2013-14 edition of “College Bound: Proven Ways to Plan and Prepare for Getting into the College of Your Dreams” is available in paperback.

Avail­able in paper­back and eBook for­mats on Ama­zon and Barnes and Noble  websites includes:

● Over 1,200 links to grants, loans, schol­ar­ships, and pre-college pro­gramsCB-2014-front-cover-sm (2)10.8.13
● How to pick a major, what col­leges look for in appli­cants, where to find  finan­cial aidand more
● Spe­cial admis­sions infor­ma­tion for the artist, the ath­lete, the military-minded, the dis­abled, and the home schooled along with over 100 minor­ity schol­ar­ship web­sites
● In-depth infor­ma­tion on  women’s col­leges, diverse pop­u­la­tions, alter­na­tive lifestyles
● A plan­ning time line
● Sam­ple forms and check­lists
● Career explo­ration, sam­ple resumes and inter­view ques­tions
● Step-by-step instruc­tions through the col­lege appli­ca­tion process
● Inside infor­ma­tion on stan­dard­ized tests, the ACT, PSAT, and SAT
● A com­pre­hen­sive list of must-read books and pub­li­ca­tions
● How to make a smooth tran­si­tion from home to col­lege
● A chap­ter just for parents

My Col­lege Bound Plan, the com­pan­ion work­book to Col­lege Bound,MCBP-2013-front-cover-sm (2) gives stu­dents the actual forms, check­lists, and step-by-step guid­ance they need for self-evaluation, col­lege com­par­isons, finan­cial con­sid­er­a­tions, teacher rec­om­men­da­tions, activ­i­ties resumes, and much more.

About The Author: Chris­tine Hand Gon­za­les, Ed.D, has spent the last 20 years as a pro­fes­sional col­lege plan­ning con­sul­tant, professor, presenter, high school col­lege coun­selor, and reg­is­tered ther­a­pist. Her work with high school juniors and seniors focuses on career explo­ration and col­lege coun­sel­ing. She also writes a blog for the col­lege bound stu­dent and their par­ents at–

Also avail­able from Col­lege Path Pub­lish­ing at BookstorePay­ing for Col­lege With­out Break­ing the Bank; Your Col­lege Plan­ning Sur­vival Guide, and How to Impress Your Instruc­tor Online: Quick Tips to Suc­cess for the Vir­tual Stu­dent.

Paying For College CoverYour College Planning Survival GuideHTI-front-cvr-2 (2)