On Valentine’s Day – Give the Gift of Love and Knowledge!

heartsHappy Valentine’s Day from Col­lege Path, LLC  and Angel’s Hope. We will donate a dol­lar for the each book sold – Help us “Save a Heart and Give Hope” this month.HTI-front-cvr-2 (2)

Think­ing about invest­ing in online edu­ca­tion? Read “How to Impress Your Online Instruc­tor: Quick Tips for the Vir­tual Student” by Harold T. Gon­za­les, Jr., Ed.D. Or is col­lege plan­ning on your mind? Is col­lege plan­ning on your mind? Check out,   “Your Col­lege Plan­ning Sur­vival Guide: five puppiesSmart Tips from Students, Par­ents, and Pro­fes­sion­als Whocover-sg Made It Through,” by Chris­tine Hand Gon­za­les, Ed.D. All books are avail­able on Amazon.com in paper­back and eBook for­mats. Click here for Free eReader Apps for Android Phone or tablet, iPad, iPhone, Mac, Win­dows PC 8 or tablet, Black­berry or Win­dows Phone on Amazon.com.  Read more about Angel’s Hope.