It’s College Application Time – Begin by Getting Organized!

Seniors – it’s that time of year. Summer has come and gone and you are about to embark the college application process. So where do you begin?  First of all, start early! Give yourself plenty of time to produce a stellar final product. You want a winning application, not one that looks hurried and rushed. Remember, there are plenty of people who can help you with the process including your parents, your school counselors, mentors, and teachers.

Have the following pieces of information on hand before you start to fill out your application. It’s not a bad idea to save this information on a card or in a computer file.  This information will be used over and over again in each application you complete.

  • Your social security number

Family information

  • Father’s Name, address, date of birth, and occupation
  • Mother’s name, address, date of birth, and occupation
  • Father’s college, degree, and date of graduation
  • Mother’s college, degree, and date of graduation
  • Siblings, age(s), and college(s) attended

Your Transcript

  • Courses taken
  • Grade Point Average; Class Rank
  • Test Scores (SAT and ACT)
  • Extracurricular Activities in order of importance
  • Honors and Awards

School Information

  • SAT and ACT Code
  • Counselor’s phone, email address, phone and fax number

Student Work History

  • Name of employer and dates employed