NEW RELEASE! A Book of Questions To Jumpstart Your Career Search by Christine Hand Gonzales, Ed.D.
Now Available in eBook for $4.99 and paperback for $9.99 on and Barnes and Click here for Amazon. Click here Barnes and Noble.
A Book of Question To Jumpstart Your Career Search was written as a resource to help students and parents. This ultimate resource tool is like having a professional career counselor beside you every step of the way. It will make you think about questions that may be important to you in your career search such as:
This book of questions is meant to be fun and thought provoking. So, discover how you really feel about your interests, skills, talents, and goals in life. One question will lead to another.
Click here for free downloads Reading Apps from Amazon for PC, Mac, iPad, and other devices for Kindle Version. Click here for free download Reading Apps from Barnes and Noble for PC, Mac, iPad and other devices for Nook Version.
Your Colle
ge Planning Survival Guide: Smart Tips From Students, Parents, and Professionals Who Made It Through – by Christine M. Hand Gonzales, Ed.D.
Now Available in eBook for $4.99 and paperback for $9.99! Click here for Amazon and here for Barnes and Noble.
Smart tips from students, parents, and professionals offered their insights by answering the question: “If you knew then what you know now, what would you have done differently during your college planning process?” As the saying goes, “Hindsight is 20/20!” This practical guide should help answer your questions on how to prepare yourself in high school for college and career search, ways to complete the step-by-step application process, and how to pay for your post-secondary education.
Click here for free downloads Reading Apps from Amazon for PC, Mac, iPad, and other devices for Kindle Version. Click here for free download Reading Apps from Barnes and Noble for PC, Mac, iPad and other devices for Nook Version.
COLLEGE BOUND: Proven Ways to Plan and Prepare for Getting Into the College of Your Dreams by Christine M. Hand Gonzales, Ed.D.
Now Available in paperback for $24.95! Click here for Amazon! Also in eBook format for $9.99 on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
“College Bound” guides you through the college planning timeline, the search and application process and campus visits, with additional tips and resources. It will show ways to approach counselors, teachers, or moderators to request an effective letter of recommendation, give tips on self-marketing through the personal essay, provide suggestions for a top-notch resume of extracurricular activities, and offers advice for taking standardized tests.
“College Bound” by Dr. Christine Hand Gonzales is the ultimate reference guide for the college application process. It is filled with essential checklists and links that cover all the necessary bases. If you have a question about applying to college, the answer can be found here. This organized and practical guide not only imparts the techniques needed to survive the process, but also it offers a collective wisdom that will make students and their families feel more in control of the experience, allowing them to make better informed decisions regarding that all important college choice.” Gigi Meyers, Development Director and Mother of Recent Graduate.
“College Bound” has everything! The firest place I researched was a major. The links ot O’Net and the career and major profiles really helped. Then I used the link to College Navigator to match majors with colleges. Testing, esssay ideas, asking for letters of recommendation, and finding money are all important topics to me. There’s so much in this book. No matter what i needed, I found it in College Bound! There’s nothing else like it – and I know it helped me get int USC.” Jessica, Universiity of South Carolina Freshman.
Click here for free downloads Reading Apps from Amazon for PC, Mac, iPad, and other devices for Kindle Version. Click here for free download Reading Apps from Barnes and Noble for PC, Mac, iPad, and other devices for Nook Version.
“My College Bound Plan” by Christine M. Hand Gonzales, Ed.D.
Now available in paperback on Amazon for $14.95 – start now to build your college plan – just click here!
A complete companion workbook to the College Bound interactive e-Book with all the forms and checklists found in College Bound ready to use – great way to take notes and stay organized!
NEW RELEASE! Paying for College Without Breaking the Bank: The Ultimate Student, Parents, and Educator Guide to Over 500 Live Links to Financial Aid and Scholarship Resources by Christine M. Hand Gonzales, Ed.D.
Now Available in eBook for $4.99 and paperback for $9.99! Click here for Amazon. Also on Barnes and Noble.
Paying for College Without Breaking the Bank takes you through the college planning timeline and the financial aid application process along with additional tips and resources. It will show ways to approach counselors, teachers, or moderators to request an effective letter of recommendation, and give tips on self-marketing through the scholarship application essays. It will help you:
- Calculate the actual costs of college
- Increase your chances of receiving aid
- Compare aid offers and learn how to appeal if needed
- Plan strategically as an independent student or divorced or single parent
- Avoid costly mistakes when applying
- Learn tips for completing the required federal form, the FAFSA
- Understand the “nuts and bolts” of financial aid, and where to find scholarships
- Access an extensive and incomparable list of publications and Internet resource
Click here for free downloads Reading Apps from Amazon for PC, Mac, iPad, and other devices for Kindle Version. Click here for free download Reading Apps from Barnes and Noble for PC, Mac, iPad and other devices for Nook Version.
How To Impress Your Instructor Online: Quick Tips to Success for the Virtual Student – by Harold T. Gonzales, Jr., Ed.D.
Available now for only $4.99 as eBook or $9.99 as paperback! Click here for Amazon. Also on Barnes and Noble!
Every student who is currently taking online courses for credit – or is considering doing so – should order this no nonsense book for straight facts about participating in the online education experience. An essential resource guide not only for online students, but a must-read for educators working with students in higher education settings. The author offers an overview of the keys to success for the virtual student as they delve into their online learning experience and provides tips to impressing their online instructor. The book covers a broad range of topics including learning styles, time management techniques, online etiquette and communication skills, evaluation, and the challenging problems of plagiarism and cheating.
Click here for free downloads Reading Apps from Amazon for PC, Mac, iPad, and other devices for Kindle Version. Click here for free download Reading Apps from Barnes and Noble for PC, Mac, iPad and other devices for Nook Version.
A Writer’s Guide to Fame and Fortune by Amy Lorenti
Kindle Version – $5.99
Special “Write in this book” Paperback – $13.95
If you are in business or in an industry that is highly competitive; authorship can be a game changer. It enhances credibility, raises status, attracts business, brings in more money, and builds a personal brand like nothing else. A Writer’s Guide to Fame and Fortune provides first-time and experienced writers with an action plan for understanding their ideal reader, choosing a “hot topic” subject, going through the writing process, and getting published faster than they ever thought possible.
NEW RELEASE! Armed Survivor by Christine Hand Gonzales, Ed.D.
Available in paperback on $14.99, Ebook $9.99. Over 600 downloaded!
You must ask the questions to find the answers. I wrote ARMED SURVIVOR to share the story of a very brave woman and her battle for her life against the vicious attack by a convicted felon and Cuban national. The book addresses tips for home and self-defense, what to do if you are raped or robbed. web resources for victims of sexual assault including self-help and support services, and information on stalking behavior. The book also addresses questions for the courts, ICE and the Department of Homeland Security on the immigration process and terrorism in our land.
Click here for free downloads Reading Apps from Amazon for PC, Mac, iPad, and other devices for Kindle Version. Click here for free download Reading Apps from Barnes and Noble for PC, Mac, iPad and other devices for Nook Version.